Friday, June 27, 2008

They make the funny......

This is a picture of a restaurant banner that I took when I was in Kenya in December last year! My friend and I thought it was Supa funny! Now I'm sure you're wondering why the heck we thought it was funny... See in one of the many South African languages - Kuku means cake. It's also used to refer to - erm - the female genitalia! Okay, I'm really not a crude kinda person... But we thought it was so funny how things can be misconstrued just because of a language and/or cultural difference!

Apparently 'Mfalme' means King. So Imagine our shock when we came across this sign... Even funnier was how we both screamed at the same time - as if on cue! We were literally rolling on the floor while bewildered Kenyans stared at us liked we were two crazed banshees! I guess that means if they ever think of having a branch in South Africa they'd have to change the name... Teeheehee...

Happy Friday!


How Now Brown Cow?

I'm looking forward to the weekend! Yesterday I really wasn't... The plan was to get up and do my laundry on Saturday morning, have a bath, then go back to bed and spend the rest of the day alternating between reading my new book, watching dvds and eating junk food!

Well, plans have changed. I soooo love it when pay-day comes earlier than expected! I love it even more when the money is more than I expected! Okay, so it's only a couple of Rands more... not much, really! But I'm Supa Stoked about it coz I can go and settle an account that I didn't think I'd be able to finish paying for until next month! Yey. One less thing to worry about! I hate - no, loathe - being in debt! Which is why I have a junky, temperamental phone that needs to be charged everytime I make or receive a phone call! LOL.... I'm happy to use my 'junkmate' till I have enough to get me a new one. I'm also glad I can do the important things on it...namely Facebook *gasp* and emailing! teeheehee!

Now, just like Blondie I have a major shoe and magazine fetish! So I need to find a way to stay away from malls, especially with this ridiculous end-of-month sales they're having! I need to stay away from magazine stands and from shoe shops! Argh... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... why is being a female so complicated? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

Anywhoooooo.... It's Friday... I need to go dancing... but I also need my sleep! What's a girl to do? Everything's sooooooo complicated! No... I'll be wise and I'll stay home this weekend!!! No partying, no late nights! It's a punishment for the mistake I made on Tuesday night! grrrrrr... That'll teach me! Muhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

Kay.... back to clock watching I go... It's Friday, I'm allowed! to! LMAO.... Have a Supa weekend!


P.S - I just figure this 'link' thing out... I'm Supa impressed with myself! Take that techno-geeks!!!! LMAO

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cud've, Shud've, Wud've

Arghhhhhh.... I woke up late today! Why? Co I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't get back to sleep. I was tossing and turning... thinking of all the things I should have done but didn't. Things I should've said but didn't. Regret's a *itch ain't it? Pity there's not much I can do about it now! Grrrrrrrrrrr..... I'm so annoyed with myself! Dangitt, dangitt, dangitt!!!!

I'm grumpy. I'm grumpy coz I didn't get enough sleep. I'm also grumpy coz I'm mad at myself. Grrrrrr..... I just wanna bury my head in the sand and hide from me! lol - how I wish that was possible!

Why is that sometime your mind is telling you one thing but your heart tells you something else? Why does something so wrong feel so right?

'Do not anxiously hope for that which is not yet come; do not vainly regret what is already past.' - Chinese Proverb

I should probably take this to heart hey? Yeah... regretting won't help me will it? But let it be noted that I am an idiot! grrrrrr.....


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I feel sick.... I feel sick because once again, I went overboard with the chocolate! I absolutely lurvvveeeeeeeee chocolate coated peanuts and I just went through two 100gram packets in the space of an hour and a lunch bar. And of course all this while sipping on 2 cans of Fanta grape - no, not at the same time but also in the space of an hour! OMG - I think I'm gonna puke! urgh! Anyway, it's my fault. Now if only all this chocolate wud translate into just a few kilograms/pounds! Yes, I'm still trying to put some weight on... just a little bit... not too much.

When I went to Cape Town I went dress hunting with my mom. So the first thing she says when she sees me is 'OMG Soup. You look like a skeleton! Why are you so thin? Are you stressed? Are you over-worked?' Seriously - I'm not anorexic! I think I look pretty healthy. I have lost a few kilos...just like 5...and my family acts like I've joined the Nicole Richie/Olsen Twins anorexic bandwagon! Grrrrrr. Not cool people! Not cool!

Anywhoooo.... No news about PMH - (potato masher hottie according to Afrosliq Diva lol). He brought the masher back - alas, I was nowhere to be found. I gave myself a bit of a kick when I realised that! I haven't seen him since that day - maybe coz I've been cooped up in my room for the past few days. I'm hoping to catch a glimpe of his royal hottness sometime soon. Maybe I should go and borrow something from him. The question is... what'll it be? Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Still on the man front, I know I sed I'd continue the ex-man-friend saga. Well, let forget that for a second and talk about the present. So I haven't seen him in about three weeks. But we've spoken on the phone like three or four times each week. Believe me I've been trying to limit contact with the dude. I don't call him anymore, but he calls! Honestly, I kinda digg that we're still friends - haha - seriously, we are friends! LOL. So we were mean't to catch a movie this past weekend but I just wanted to be alone...and then he got sick and I was not about to catch a cold from him! Anyway, he's leaving for the Cape tomorrow and will be gone till next week so we're gonna hang out tonight. Teeheehee...Relax... I'll behave! Trust me! Muhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Oh goodness... not I really feel like I'm about to throw up! Let me go and chew on a ginger root!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Too gone too long...

OMG! I have been gone for waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too long... I just took a quick tour around the blogging world and I'm amazed at how many posts I've missed. I have a lot of catching up to do! So where have I been? Hmmmm... where to start. I was in Cape Town for a little over a week and I just got back to the City of Gold on Wednesday afternoon. I know, I know... it's not like I was in some God-forsaken, internetless part of the universe. See the thing is I thought I would have time to blog...alas, I had no clue how much work a Maid of Honour has BEFORE the wedding! But it was soooo much fun - despite the late nights, early mornings and family drama! Teeheehee! And what a beautiful wedding it was!!! I remember walking down the aisle to the altar and almost wishing I was getting married! Ha-ha... Okay... I'll tell you all about the wedding some other time! I must mention, though, that I thought mixed race marriages were complicated! I had no clue that mixed culture marriages are more dramatic than mixed race ones! LMAO.... and the families! WOW.... un-freaking-believable!

So I come back from Cape Town and of course there's sooooo much work waiting for me! Not to mention how tired I still am. The past two days have seen me in bed by 7:30pm! My housemate thinks I'm pregnant! LMAO... For the record, I'm not!!!! My mom would have a cadenza... Anywhooo.... apart from the work that doesn't seem to be ending (I'm actually working on a script for an insert that was meant to be in edit on Wednesday but I keep telling myself I have writers block - I'm just lazy!) ...apart from that I almost feel as though my world is about to come crumbling down! Long story cut short...I shall be jobless as of the end of this month! Eeek! Why? Well, it's got something to do with contracts and a new season and the national broadcaster dragging their feet...bluh! Funny thing though.... the old me wud have had a hernia already... but for some reason, although I'm kinda worried, I'm pretty calm about it! No tears, no stress! That's seriously wierd! Anyway... just thought I'd share...

Errrrmmmm... what else? Oh, there's a hottie in the building! No, not this building.... I mean at home... I only moved into this current apartment about two months ago so I haven't really had time or the desire to socialise with the neighbours. But my eyes were opened yesterday! I've seen him around and I know his name and stuff... but I've never seen him up close and we've never had a conversation - other than the occasional wave from across the road! WOW! Supa fine! Don't worry, he's not gonna be the rebound guy! (Yeah, I'm still not over ex man-friend...grrrrrrrr) But Hott Yung Thang is just good ole eye candy! mmmmmm...yummy! LMAO... Anyway, he came to ask for - wait for it - a potato masher! huh? LMAO! I know I was also like Anyway, now that we've officially met I have a feeling I'll be seeing a whole lot more of him! Okay, okay... I won't do anything silly! Well, I'll try not to anyway! lol... But he is such a hottie... and he has one of those deep, smooth voices.... eeek! I totally have a crush on him! Don't worry, I'm just going a bit ape-sh*t coz I never thought anyone wud move me after ex man-friend! So this is a good sign. My heart may finally be realising that he isn't my all-in-all! LMAO...

Speaking of ex-man-friend...I'm sure you're wondering if we've been in touch! Okay, before you read any further please note that all weapons must be put far, far away! I foresee some scolding! Deep breath......................................................

I think this post is too long already and I don't wanna bore y'all to death so watch this space... To Be Continued... *smile*

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ode to those who inspire me...

This is a sorta Ode to the 2 men who are my inspiration, whom I aspire to work with one day!

Jerry Bruckheimer
Forget Steven Spielberg, forget Aaron Spelling! This guy is THE MAN!!!!
Sunu Gonera
And they say nothing good can ever come from Zimbabwe? With Sunu doing such great things all I can say is 'Bite Me'!

When i grow up...

Remember as a kid people often asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? Well, my answer was always 'I wanna be an air-hostess' (stewardess to some). That was until some dude at one of those career expo thingumies told me I was too short. That put an end to my dream (...and now I can't help but scowl when I see today's stewardesses, some of whom are seriously shorter than me!) So then I decided I was going to be a fire-fighter! Then I was going to become a singer. And then a radio presenter. Then an author. My mother was not impressed! So much so that she got my uncle to sit me down and 'talk some sense into me'! See, my mother was determined that I'd become an accountant like she was. But me and numbers are like Chuck Norris and Ninjas! So she had to let go of that dream and watch her only child aspire to be a confused, penniless loser! LOL! (I must commend my mom though! I didn't turn into the brilliant accountant she would have loved me to be. But she's been so supportive of every one of my 'aspirations'. I recorded a demo CD last year. Guess who orchestrated that! Mother dearest! She's such a doll!)

Eventually I decided I was going to be a TV presenter. But of course, being the clever little cookie that I was, I didn't want to be one of those lame presenters who get spoon-fed every bit of information and all they do is regurgitate it! So I decided to have Behind-the-scenes knowledge first. Off I went to Video School. A few weeks after I started, I decided that I was born to be a Camera-woman! LOL. Then I decided I'd be a Producer and Scriptwriter. Then I figured I may as well be a music video Director. I was a bit confused after a while, then I thought hey, why not become all of the above! One thing I knew was I never, ever wanted to be was become an editor! Funny thing that, seeing as in my last year of 'trainee producer/scriptwriter/director/semi-camerawoman' time, I ended up spending more time in the edit suite than elsewhere! Needless to say my passion for presenting kinda waned... and the behind-the-scenes took over!

However, today I find myself at a crossroads. Well, not really at a cross roads. I just seem to have shelved all my dreams and aspirations, and I've settled for what's...convenient! See, somewhere along the line - just after Video School - I started working on a script for a sitcom and on an idea for a screenplay. Then it all kinda fizzled. Last night I watched Alfie - you know the movie where Jude Law is a womaniser! Wow! I cannot remember when last a movie moved me in such a way! Don't get me wrong. I've seen some brilliant movies! Concept-wise, scripting-wise, the cinematography, I've definitely seen the best of the best! But somehow, watching Alfie re-kindled my passion for filmmaking. I've decided to start working on my screenplay again. And my sitcom! Maybe I'll even start my own production company! I know it could take an eternity for me to get where I want to be! But I think I've let go of too many of my dreams - singing, tv and radio presenting, directing music videos!

So today is the end of life as I know it! Today I start my journey to the person I want to be!