Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bruised but not broken! (I hope)

I woke up with red, puffy eyes and a kinda throbbing, hollow sensation in my chest and I considered not coming it to work today! I have no words to descibe what I'm feeling... But I can tell you that it's horrid! Absolutely horrid!
So I had a conversation with the man-friend last night. It turns out I was expecting too much from the relationship - more than he could give - more than he was ready for!
So yeah, we decided it's best we part ways... I'm sad. Well, I'm more than just sad... I keep asking myself if I loved him... I don't quite know how to answer that. But the point is, it's over. We're over. We're done. Finnitto. Kapput. Phelile. Klaar. A few years ago I promised myself I would never cry over a guy ever again. So today this is my motto, my mantra, my get-you-thru-the-day phrase.

'I'm going to smile like nothing's wrong, Talk like everything's perfect, Act like it's all a dream and pretend it's not hurting me!'

Nuff said!



AQUILOGY said...

Sorry to hear about your man friend, keep your head up. Time is a great healer and in a short while you will forget about him.

Supanova said...

Ag fanx man... I hope you're rite about the 'forget about him' bit! sniff, sniff! :)

The Divine Miss M said...

Oh that is horrid honey :( *big hugs*

My best friend always says this to me and I find it to help.

Once Thomas Eddison had eventually perfected the lightbulb he was asked if he wishes he'd managed it the first time as opposed to all of the failed attempts. He answered with

"No, because each time I got it wrong I learnt another way not to make a lightbulb"

I always reference that towards men and it makes me feel better about something ending. With each relationship you learn the things you definitely like and then the things that you don't like.

Chin up honey :)

Supanova said...

Fanx Miss M. That's a really great way of looking at it, despite the fact that I feel like I never want to 'attempt' this relationship thing again! haha... unless of course George Clooney decides to look my way! ;)

The Blonde Blogshell said...

Awww!! I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you're truly ok! *Big Hugs*

Supanova said...

Thanks for the hug Blondie... Yeah, I think I'm okay - well, I will be eventually so why not start the okay-ness now rite!!!! lol...

Just Khens. said...


You'll get over him, no matter how long it takes! The phrase "fake it till you make it" works in this case as well!

Do 1 thing that will make you laugh @least once a day, drink something with an alc %, get together with your coolest fwends and have fun, don't try too hard to avoid talking about him, trash him, analyse if he was indeed all that...... you'll see, U'll be jus' fine wifout him!!! Was in a sitch like that last year.... not nice at all! Atleast he didn't tell you that he is getting married & that he has 7 kids (with different women) back in Limpopo!

Tamara said...

You'll have to fight me for George Clooney.

Well done, girl. I think it's great that you discussed it like adults and went your separate ways. I know too many ladies who know the guy's not that into them but cling on desperately anyway.

You're my hero today.

Supanova said...

@ Afrosliq divalicious - funny thing that - one of my girlfriends also sed it was okay to trash him! Muhahahahahaaaaaaaaa...... I'm gonna have a blast doing that! Okay, please tell me that quip about the seven kids was metaphorical and didn't actually happen to you!

@ Tamara - George Clooney is sooo mine journo! As for 'discussing it like adults' well, I have to tell ya that I had a massive tantrum after our conversation! Not very adult-like behaviour huh? haha... and I am kinda clinging...only it's all on the inside - I'm too proud to openly cling! LMAO.... Does that mean I have to negate my HERO status? ;)

Just Khens. said...

I could write a book on all the weird relationships I've found myself in!

I was emotionally traumatised - nine,nine!!!

k seven is not the actual number of kids, 2 is! Still for me (coz I don't have one yet)

I think I should blog about that when I get enough time.

Tamara said...

No. You can still be a hero. But only because I'm feeling generous today.

Just kidding. Good to know you're human and not some kind of superwoman that never sheds a tear or throws a tantrum ;-)